• Robin Martin
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If you click to the latest issue of the iconic inpossereview, issue 26, you’ll discover there Unconventional Conventions~ a collection of fiction that, in the words of the guest fiction editor Debra Di Blasi, “becomes more. Is not static.”

Included is a piece by my good friend and colleague, Kylee Cook, from whom you will no doubt hear again and again. In addition, a piece by our colleague and former professor, Doug Rice.

In “Maps of Mine House” and  “Words Without Bodies” a reader can see where on-line literary magazines succeed and propel the creation of great exciting new work, and also where the mode doesn’t succeed so well, as Kylee’s piece is a tactile one, and the format, I feel, doesn’t do for a reader what holding it like a map in one’s hand does. My friend Mary wrote that “I want a paper copy so I can twist the paper around.” Indeed. But still, the piece is moving. “I’m interested in the way words and images act as individual—often isolating—bowls of meaning.” Kylee says. “This piece is an attempt to create order from an onslaught of those bowls. To shape a life from small bits of language and symbols familiar in media and domestic spaces.”

Congratulations to Kylee and also to Doug, for getting their work out there and thanks for allowing us to participate with it.


Author: Robin Martin

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