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Trademark or Copyright?

What’s the difference between trademark and copyright? The United States Patent and Trademark Office is the government body in the US that oversees the registrations of trademarks. It isn’t legally required that anyone register their trademark—if you use a logo or a symbol, or even a word to distinguish your work from others, you already…

April 16, 2022
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eCommerce for Editorial Freelancers?

How can creative pros leverage eCommerce? I don’t know if this is something all editorial freelancers worry about, but I know that in between editing projects I am trying to figure out how to be more efficient at my business as far as leveraging online marketing and sales opportunities. The problem is, when it comes…

February 14, 2022
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Looking to hire an editor? 6 questions an editor will ask you

Questions an editor may ask you If you are writing a novel and figuring you will self-publish it when it’s finished, you probably know that at some point you are going to want to find an editor. This can mean a lot of different things, actually; and is the subject of some great posts out…

January 7, 2022
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Fair Use Update —the Creative Law Center

Learn how to make a fair use assessment so you can feel confident creating new original work from inspiration, not copying. I am part of a professional community called the Creative Law Center. Kathryn Goldman, a copyright and trademark attorney, founded CLC. I have consulted and recommended her for many years, and she has advised…

December 9, 2021
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Navigating the Self-Publishing Industry

Finding help to self-publish your book The self-publishing industry is growing every year, and tens of thousands of books are self-published every day! Lots of people do it wrong. Of course, you want to be one of the people who does it right. Book publishing involves many skills: Editing, Design, Production, Distribution, Publicity, Marketing, Rights…

November 15, 2021
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