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  • Robin Martin
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Finding help to self-publish your book

The self-publishing industry is growing every year, and tens of thousands of books are self-published every day! Lots of people do it wrong. Of course, you want to be one of the people who does it right.

Book publishing involves many skills: Editing, Design, Production, Distribution, Publicity, Marketing, Rights Management. In-house teams handle each one of these at a traditional publishing house. But as an independent author, you either have to learn to do these things yourself (time! frustration!) or hire someone to help you.

I can help you navigate the steps to self-publish your book.

If you decide to hire help for some (or all) of your foray into the self-publishing industry, you might find that sorting through the options looking for the right person or company to work with can be overwhelming. When you are bringing in a pro to help you self-publish your book, you want to feel confident that you have found the right pro.

One of the client services I provide is publishing consultation and self-publishing assistance. I work with fiction writers and also business owners who want to publish a book to boost their authority in their niche. So I invite you to reach out to me on my Contact page if you want to set up a one-on-one consultation about your book idea. First 15 minutes are free.

So can a lot of other people in the self-publishing industry.

Other great sources for this information, as I’ve mentioned before, are Jane Friedman’s blog and and Carla King’s Self-Publishing Boot Camp.

self-publishing services workshop ad features many hands working at a desktop
(This post contains an affiliate link, which means that I’ll receive remuneration for sending you.)

I am also part of a professional community called the Creative Law Center. Kathryn Goldman, a copyright and trademark attorney, founded CLC. I have consulted and recommended her for many years, and she has advised my clients on fair use issues. At CLC, she hosts webinars on many subjects related to the rights and business of creative professionals.

The Creative Law Center is hosting a live webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 1:00 pm EST called Publishing Services: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly.

Her guest is Allyson Machate, a fellow EFA member and publishing consultant. Allyson leads a team of professionals who specialize in helping authors to write, publish, and sell their books. (So Allyson is a competitor of mine, technically, but I’ve never been afraid to have folks learn about the competition. Either you and I are the best fit, or we’re not!)

I always get something out of Kathryn’s great webinars, not the least of which is the opportunity to ask questions of her speakers in real time. So even though I am already well-versed in this particular subject matter, I’m planning to attend to see what new things I can learn!

I want to share this opportunity to learn about hiring self-publishing help with my friends and associates. The Creative Law Center has provided me with so much valuable advice that I now partner with Kathryn to share what she has to offer. Please check out the Creative Law Center’s webinar on Publishing Services using this link and she will send me a small finders fee and know I sent you.

Yes, this is an affiliate link, which means that she’ll know I sent you and send me a finders’ fee for sending you over, but even if it wasn’t, I’d want to share it with you.

Kathryn is a smart and very cool attorney, and she’s a creative entrepreneur, like me! 🤓

Hope to see you there, at the live webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 1:00 pm EST — Publishing Services: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly.

Author: Robin Martin