• Robin Martin
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So, as always, I admire Steve Almond, but this time it is for getting his shit together enough upon his return back from AWP to actually write something for The Rumpus about it. He’s so not kidding about brain dead.

I am still catching up, primarily with my volunteer work. Egad! (It was comforting to hear this mentioned as a good thing for one’s career during a panel on staying flush as a writer). I did have a conference and create a quote/proposal for a third project with my best steady client on Monday. The rest of this week, I’m reading teacher exam essays of their basic writing skills (that’s a secret code, as we’re all sworn to secrecy by the company for which we work- and who wants to mess that up when it’s a regular paycheck). It’s punching a clock from 8-5.

Anyway, I wanted to get something up here before any more time went by. My intention is to share some things I learned, etc. over a few posts.

Highlights, or, don’t let a moment go by before you CHECK THIS OUT:

George Saunders read THIS, and it was awesome.

And, I was introduced to the work of Etgar Keret, who read a really wonderful piece in a really wonderful way.

I bought THIS and the self-described mid-list author -who absolutely is a rock star– took me up on my offer to sit next to him with my hand out so he wouldn’t have to handle the filthy cash pouring in for a copy of his newest project. And I gave him a goofy note on a business card with my phone number. I’m not entirely sure why, as I am a happily-partnered-for 24-years-and-have-no-intent-to-stray kind of a gal. I have a feeling the need to do so was akin to tossing one’s panties at Tom Jones.

More later…

Author: Robin Martin

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