If you’re searching for information about the right way to self publish, you have to filter through a lot of words on the internet. Most of it is written by companies that want you to use their platform, or want you to “self” publish by hiring someone to do it all for you. There is…
Can artists be earners? Artists can be earners. You might have seen my Twitter post (@SacramentoRobin) about working in NYC for a day at Capsule Gallery Auctions. It is owned by artists (my clients) who have found a way to earn a living through curation and sales of other people’s art collections. As a creative…
Read more books. Read all the books. I want to read all the books. I receive book recommendations every day, from publishers, from indie booksellers, from IndieBound.org, from Goodreads, from friends and colleagues. They want me to read more books, and I desperately want to comply. Reading is a joy. It is also, for me,…
Pandemic perspectives from the empty nest The seasons are transitioning and flocks of migrating songbirds are coming through Sacramento. Gorgeous cedar waxwings, with a stripe of yellow at their tail, and lovely mountain bluebirds gobble up winter berries. These days, I’ve been spending a lot of time birdwatching, and working in my day job (as…
I received a nice review on my revised, re-released EFA Publications booklet, originally published as an ebook only in 2017 with a slightly different title. This was a fun booklet to write, and revising it gave me the opportunity to see whether my own process has remained consistent over the years and make tweaks where…