• Robin Martin
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In Wreckage of Reason II, Aimee Parkison’s contribution is a selection titled “Save Her” from her latest novel, The Petals of Your Eyes.

Aimee Parkison is an associate professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Parkison has received a Christopher Isherwood Fellowship, a Writers at Work Fellowship, and a Kurt Vonnegut Fiction Prize from North American Review. Her first collection, Woman with Dark Horses, won the Starcherone Prize for Innovative Fiction, judged by Cris Mazza. Parkison has an MFA in creative writing from Cornell University.

I like the way the bio on her website reads:

Critics have hailed Aimee Parkison as a new distinct voice in contemporary fiction. Characterized by her sense of imagination and creativity, Parkison’s writing slowly peels away layers of social interaction to consider the magical, frightening and essential elements of  life.  Parkison learns from her own characters as her stories progress, attributing her decision to become a fiction writer to a desire to gain control over elements of life… Parkison is a fiction writer and a poet.” 

Here, on the WoRII Tumblr site, Darby Ratliff reviews the novel, The Petals of Your Eyes, and writes that it “is surreal in its literary illustration.” Ratliff also says, “… in contemporary literature, prosetry has become something of elegant art, one that is executed cleanly and excellently by Aimee Parkison.” Prosetry. 

Wreckage of Reason II: Back to the Drawing Board, an anthology of experimental writing edited by Nava Renek. Wreckage of Reason is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, and other fine bookstores.

Author: Robin Martin