• Robin Martin
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Do you know these contemporary women writers?

Karen Brennan is the author of six books, most recently, poems, little dark (Four Way Books, 2014).  A collection of fiction,Monsters, is forthcoming in 2016.   A Professor Emerita from the University of Utah, she teaches at the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers. She is also a contributor to Wreckage of Reason II. And she wrote this terrific little flash piece. 

A good way to get to know writers sometimes is through the way the answer interview questions. Fiction writer (and a WoR II contributor) Melanie Page has been reviewing women prose writers on her site Grab the Lapels since the summer of 2013. In the interview she gave to HTML Giant last year she explains, “I started only choosing books by women after I reviewed a book that I thought was shallow and misogynistic (downright degrading, really) for one magazine. My review was so negative that the magazine shied away from publishing it, so I posted it on my Goodreads account and ventured out on my own.” Nowadays, she not only reviews, but also interviews authors. Check out these Q&A sessions withTsipi Keller and  Laynie Browne. 

Keep up with the Wreckage of Reason 2 blog tour here.

Wreckage of Reason 2 is an anthology of non-traditional stories by women writers. Many of us are unknown still; some of us well known in literary circles; one or two breaking away from the pack. Be on the cutting edge. Open your mind. Buy the book. An excellent choice for your Kindle. 

Author: Robin Martin