I received my print copy of Issue 17 today. It’s a fat one– 108 pages! And it is, as always, beautiful. The art on the cover and inside are interpretations of poetic forms by Scott Helmes, an artist who introduced himself to us at AWP in Minneapolis.
I love getting the email notice that the new Issue of Under the Gum Tree has arrived! It means, of course, that all of my team’s hard work has produced a thing of beauty that others can enjoy.
Excited to have been invited to read at the July 17th presentation of True Story, Sacramento’s creative non-fiction reading series. Wish me luck, as I haven’t read my own work in quite a few years.
Exciting things are happening at Under the Gum Tree. My friend and colleague Janna Marlies Maron is stepping it up with more creative non-fiction stories and beautiful visual art.
I took this shot at the AWP booth with friends Janna Marlies Maron (writer of Bold is Beautiful, and publisher of Under the Gum Tree) and Peter Grandbois (author of Nahoonkara, winner of the Gold Medal in literary fiction.