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Anthony Marra, President Obama, and Me

Okay, first of all, I know the title would have to read, Anthony Marra, President Obama, and I  in order to be grammatically correct as a subject, as in Anthony Marra, President Obama and I have this book in common.

December 20, 2013
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Editing, writing, digital publishing, from textbooks to fiction, meetings and events…

This has been a wonderfully busy first quarter, with a cornucopia of activities to keep me sharp. The Nor Cal EFA hosted speaker Judith Horstman in January, and she provided the participants with insider information about writing for magazines and talked a bit about her new book.

February 8, 2012
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Why you need an editor: Developmental and Substantive Editing

We believe we know everything there is to know about our characters. We believe we have created a compelling read, a clear conflict, characters the reader can either love or fear for, a satisfying resolution.

November 30, 2011
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