We believe we know everything there is to know about our characters. We believe we have created a compelling read, a clear conflict, characters the reader can either love or fear for, a satisfying resolution.
I’d like to pick up where I left off in my February 14 post, as my client, Bradley V. DeHaven has been able to use his print-on-demand book, Defining Moments. A Suburban Father’s Journey Into His Son’s Oxycontin Addiction
Well, a big day around here, as we managed to time the release of the Kindle edition of the book Defining Moments, A Father’s Journey into his Son’s Oxy Addiction with the pub date of a feature story on the author.
Ready for the new year? I’m very excited to start off the new year by co-creating a memoir with a longtime client and publishing it as a digital book. This is something I’ve been anxious to try
December 27, 2010
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