After spending the weekend with a wide representation of the writing and publishing community, I am more excited than ever to be a part of it. The SFWC has changed form even in the short time that I’ve been involved with it.
This has been a wonderfully busy first quarter, with a cornucopia of activities to keep me sharp. The Nor Cal EFA hosted speaker Judith Horstman in January, and she provided the participants with insider information about writing for magazines and talked a bit about her new book.
I have been thoroughly enjoying receiving the RSS feeds of several blogs lately, and I’d like to share a few of these with you. Though it is true that a blog is just that, a blog, and shouldn’t ever be taken as the gospel truth.
This weekend was the orientation for those of us who will be ambassadors at this year’s San Francisco Writers Conference. Here are the details:February 18-20 at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel.
When you have a story, an article, a book, or even a book idea, what do you do with it? Wow. This is a big question, and one not easily answered without understanding the specifics of your situation.