The March/April Issue of Poets & Writers Magazine includes a piece by Eileen Pollack, the director of the MFA program at the University of Michigan and author of the upcoming novel Breaking and Entering (Four Way Books, 2012).
I’d like to pick up where I left off in my February 14 post, as my client, Bradley V. DeHaven has been able to use his print-on-demand book, Defining Moments. A Suburban Father’s Journey Into His Son’s Oxycontin Addiction
So after about a year, Brad and I had eliminated the possibility of finding an agent, and through that agent a major contract, simply because of his lack of a platform.
Well, a big day around here, as we managed to time the release of the Kindle edition of the book Defining Moments, A Father’s Journey into his Son’s Oxy Addiction with the pub date of a feature story on the author.
This weekend was the orientation for those of us who will be ambassadors at this year’s San Francisco Writers Conference. Here are the details:February 18-20 at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel.